Emo-ness Intensified


Dah la I was sad enough yesterday..
Then today I went to check and see whether my finals results came out already or not.

Well, what can I say?

I suppose I am just too numbed for words.

Sat in front of the computer, staring at the screen, stoning...
The grades barely registered into my puny brain as my view becomes distorted with tears.

First thought I had in mind : What's the use of doing your best when everytime whatever effort you put in, the output just comes out like s***?

Think my expression must have shown as my mom thought I failed that subject which I had to resit for. Well, thank God I didn't. (Something to be cheerful about :D)

Man, I am so not a science person.. I just don't know what I want to do.. Even taking this course was like a gamble. I just registered myself as a backup for local U. Not with the sole intent of studying this course.. I thought since they gave it to me, I'll just take whatever that comes my way.

Looks like this step I have taken is a grave mistake. Ah! This stupidity of mine!!!

Yet, I don't know...

God definitely didn't want me to go to local U. Cause HE gave me some course which I WOULD definitely reject. GOD must have wanted me to go to UTAR and pursue Biotech. Because when I registered for this course, I was late and places were supposedly full, they wanted to me to register for the next Jan intake. And Biotech was my second choice.. not first. I wanted Biomedical Science..

Funny how things turn out...

Well God, I remember what you said.
You said that "If You put me to it, You will also surely pull me through it."

So no matter how hard a situation I am in, I know You will be there to guide me out of it.
So God, I'll just put my faith in You.. and let You lead me through. I trust in You.

Have to see the lighter side of things in life!!!


JeNz said…
i was emo when i see the results too.. *hugs*
let's gambateh for the coming semester!
Kath said…
Yup.. let's!!! *sigh*

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