Random pics

I was looking through pictures which we took all these while. Here are few of the mind boggling pics as to why we would even bother to snap them..haha. Enjoy!

Assortment of Lindt chocolates!!! Yum!

A face made up from veggies.. You got the chilli, onion and also rice.. Haha.

Nope, this is not the gingerbread man. It's the pancake man. Made by my sister. I ate it thereafter... mua haha..

Cappuccino cheesecake from Secret Recipe.. Don't know why my friend stuck the fork in it like that though. :P

Can you guess what this is? If you can, you've got a good eye.
It's ice on a red table cloth. Cool? Cool.

I am going to search for more and load them in here. :)


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