Examination Period

I have so much to blog about I do not know where to start!!

Firstly, I have only one more paper to go for this examination period! Hooray!
Studying for exam is really tough. I feel so stressed out that I eat and eat non-stop!! I had chocolates, ice-creams, pisang goreng all during my three weeks of study period. :P Anything edible that I found in my house went into my mouth and then my stomach. (the journey after that... you don't wanna know)
As a result, I seem to have grown a little rounder at my face (and tummy!!).. :( And I don't exercise!! Have to start doing my situps at night again. Hopefully, I will lose this 'fat' when the holidays starts as I revert back to my normal eating habits.

I was feeling quite down during my study period as I felt I couldn't pull myself together to work. I always seem to be sleeping everytime I start to study. During my break, I watched a cantonese series on TV. In this episode, there was a particular dialogue which caught my eye. It's this :

"You do not succeed by working hard. You succeed by perservering and believing that you can do it."

Cool quote.. see, you do learn something from all this drama series. Haha.

Yesterday night was a truly beautiful night. The skies were clear and we could see the tiny stars twinkling. Haven't seen that for so long!!! Planets were extremely bright as well like a big bright orb. So beautiful...
I could see the different constellations which I have long forgotten since primary school. But I only could recognise two.. :( The Orion Belt and the Souhtern Cross.. Way cool.. Read somewhere that in our part of the world, we can only see five out of the seven total constellations (have I got that right?) Oh well..


chian said…
wow..the constellations..reminds me of our primary school science textbook. i LOVED that chapter! very interesting...indeed.

well girl, it's normal to feel sleepy when u wanted to start studying. take my advice, coffee. it helps to clear your mind, and improve your concentration
Good luck in your final paper!

p/s: i want to watch spidermaaaaaaaaaan

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