I Don't Know

I do not know what I am feeling right now.. I suppose I feel kind of sad.. haha. Three weeks of holidays just passed by too quickly. It's like I haven't even got myself into the partying mood yet and then here I am getting ready for the full force of workload to come crashing upon me in a few day's time. I still feel like I am in dreamland where classes are not starting yet. It's all just a dream. But it's not unfortunately.. Oh well, at least I have a longer break at the end of the year! *cheers up again*

During my hols, I managed to catch up with some friends, watched some movies and also watched pirated movies... Sorry! I finished a book, Silence of the Lambs.. really satisfied.. haha. *grins happily*

I feel kind of lazy like I usually do every time when term starts.. bad habit this is. This term's timetable ain't too bad, to me that is. But we still have long breaks in between.. Eesh. Three days in a row with eight o'clock classes.. :( Can't wake up later anymore (hmph.. as if I have that luxury) I drove to campus today (31st May), my third attempt but my first attempt alone. And guess what? I did not bring my purse!!! All my ID card and my driving license are not with me and I drove to a place out of my reach!! Pray.. nothing happens. I am still in campus by the way.

Semester results just came out.. Dropped a bit, feeling a bit down I suppose. :`( I did try my best.. just that there were some things which kind of affected me during this sem, especially when I had midterm tests which contributed to the marks. I do not want to say more, just let it be and use it as a lesson to remember for the coming semesters. But, on the other hand, I can't blame it entirely on the event. I just, you know, have to learn to adapt to it and make changes. In a kind of way, it's how I react to a situation that counts. If I can't change what happened, I have to change how I deal with it, my attitude towards it. Unfortunately, "Saya pandai cakap, tak pandai bu-at." :D

P/S: This post is a result of a few days.. hence the choppiness in its flow.


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