My Single Story

Yes, I am already 21 and still single! Why, am I telling you this, you may ask. Because I get loads of people asking me when am I going to get a boyfriend! Hello? Boyfriends don’t just drop from heaven okay?!! Hmm… maybe they will if I pray a lot. Hehe. I get it from my friends... I even get it from my grandma! Can you imagine that?! Someone, who I think of as a traditional and old-fashioned thinking lady asking me, a supposedly hip and modern girl, when she is going to get a boyfriend! Ahh!! Let me tell you what she said.

Grandma : Yar yat sui lo! (You’re 21 already!) Zhong mei wan dou korkor zai ah? (Still haven’t found a bf yet?)

Me : Ha?!! ……

What is this??? Ha! I was talking with a few of my friends last Friday. Some of us are still single. So I told them my analogy of why we were still single.

Each girl has her own destined knight in shining armour (I know, too many fairytales :P). The knights in shining armours are most probably lost in a dense and thick forest in a secluded place somewhere out of this world. Before each knight can reach his destined girl, he will have to fight through thorn bushes, thick vines and wild animals (remember the Sleeping Princess story?) to get out of the jungle/forest. Each knight will only belong to one girl, thus each knight has his own route to plough through. (No sharing brains and brawns here…)
This part was added by my friend.
As the knights fight their way through, they are getting tired and some begin to give up. They sit down to rest, then they turn sideways and see each other… they fall in love! And that is why, there so many gays in this world…

Perhaps my knight is still lost somewhere out there too... But, he is definitely NOT going to be gay!!

Note of disclaimer: The above is merely an analogy, a story. Not to be taken seriously and as the truth. No offense meant.

I am single and I am not ashamed about it. Period.


chian said…
u'll find your knight some day, but sometimes, u need to step out and start your journey of search. help him out a bit mar...:P

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