
I am feeling very 'emo' today. I do not know why. All I know is, the minute I got up to get ready for classes, I started to cry. Tears just started to roll down and I found it a bit hard to stop. This is seriously weird la k, early in the morning, crying. Aaiii... but then I do have quite a low Emotinal Quotient (EQ). I find it hard to control my feelings. I can be very patient, yes. Even if people scold me for NO reason (parents excluded), I will just smile and look at you like what you said doesn't hurt me even a bit. Even though IT DOES! But I seriously can take it as just a normal conversation we are having. There are things though, especially things that I really care about, that will make me cry if it's bad. 

Crying to most people is seen as something lame, a loser. But to me, it is very therapeutic. Everytime I cry, I will immediately feel better and be able to see things through, clearly. It enables me to see things through another perspective. And suddenly, the thing does not seem to be that bad anymore! It's just like what chocolates are to some people. When they eat chocolates, they immediately feel happy because of the endorphin hormones released. They are then able to continue with their work.

But seriously, I have to stop this habit of crying so often. Actually, I have already improved compared to when I was way younger during my primary school days. I am still learning and will continue to learn how to handle and control my feelings.

By the way, my feelings are all better already. And it isn't because of my crying though. It's because I am sitting here blogging, venting out my feelings and frustrations. Thank you!


chian said…
yes, u've improved baby, muah! hahaha! crying is ok. i realize that i cry more as i grow. seriously! i don't cry that much when i was younger. maybe i was tougher, and growing to be weaker....:(

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