Birthday Blues

Boo-hoo!!! I am 21 years old already! I feel old.. I know most people would probably be cheering and rejoicing at their new found 'freedom' but to me being 21 is not really fun. Well, not fun YET anyway. It does not seem to make such a big difference to me in my past, present or even future life. I don't go into clubs(plan to though), I don't really gamble so much that I would die to get into a casino. It's just like a normal ageing thing to me. 

Firstly, I am among the first among my peers to BE 21!! That is one reason why I feel OLD. 

Secondly, I can no longer behave like a small kid and blame it on my teen tantrums.. Hehe.

Thirdly, I have more responsibilities at this age, namely to vote for my country's wakil rakyat when election time starts which is like two, three more years to go? Which reminds me, I must get myself registered soon.  

Fourthly, being 21 means you are one step closer to being 30! And I can't simply imagine myself being at that age! Haha. I know, I know! I am being too 'far-sighted'. But it's true. Tell me it isn't and I'll eat my... uh.. hat.

Okayla, since this IS an important milestone in one's life, I decided to have a birthday party/bash/do (whichever sounds more sophisticated for a 21 yr old person). I was thinking, what the heck, you are only 21 once in your life! Why not celebrate it with a big bang then?! So I did. Called a few friends, some couldn't make it (so sad), most of them did. The normal works la you know, when you have any sort of party or gathering. I think my godma was shocked at the rented canopy outside of my house, she did not expect the party to be so BIG!!! Haha. Anyway, what can I say? Food was great, the company was wonderful. I enjoyed myself. I hope my friends did. It was so nice meeting up with people who are sometimes hard to catch up with. (partly my fault) Get to know more about their journey in life after form 5.. Won't be seeing some of my friends for at least two years I think.. Going to miss them.. Well, it was a memorable night for me. I am glad that I chose to have that birthday party. You have no idea how close the plan was, to being scrapped. Haha. But I am really, really glad I didn't! It was great!!!


chian said…
darling~ the party was great! I truly enjoyed myself. it was like, walking down the memory lane...;)
anyway sorry for not posting any reflections for so long, been busy dude.

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