St. Luke's Gospel

I just came back from the Actors' Studio in Bangsar. I didn't expect the studio to be that small but it was real cosy to me. Kind of like a small lecture hall but with cushioned chairs. The rows of seat were so near the stage with only seven rows in front of it. It's like the guy was just right in front of your very eyes.
The purpose of this trip was to watch a guy present the Gospel according to St. Luke through his actions and just his words. Nope, he didn't read from the bible. It was rather like he was acting out the parables like in a show. A one man show though. He's one of the actors from broadway. Bruce Kuhn.
Man, the way he retold St. luke's gospel was very interesting. Makes it easier to remember what happened and its sequence. During his presentation, he will be kneeling, running, shouting, crouching, doing all sorts of things to represent the different groups of people who were involed in the events. He even had a podium thing which he would knock on and a bench for him to either stand or sit on depending on the scenes. It really brings the scene to you of what happened during that time. Once, he suddenly shouted. I got a shock I jumped, and I wasn't the only one. Haha. I could see a few people suddenly moving 'up' higher in their seats. I seriously don't know how he did it, maybe cause he's an actor or maybe he's God's instrument, but he really presented it well. It was a real eye-opener for me. I can certainly remember the gospel of St. Luke much better now. :) Definitely worth the RM 35 we paid.


Esee said…
it was 30 la u doink..hehe.. muacks!
Kath said…
Oh, I don't know, lao ma zi said RM 35.

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