Please and Smile

Malaysians are courteous. This is a community message from one of our local radio stations. In this message, they ask us to memorise these four words: Excuse me, Thank you.
In my opinion, they left out one other important word: PLEASE. And, you shouldn't just memorise them... Use them! If you remember but don't use it, what's the point? No one will know you are polite except your brain. Why do I say that the word 'please' is important? Imagine someone gritting their teeth, tryng to elbow their way out of a packed train. "Excuse me excuse me." They go, faces scrunched up in frustration. That doesn't seem very nice or polite don't you think. (Not that I don't understand what they're going through. Been there done that, packed trains, you can hardly breathe, human sardines.) BUT, when you add the please word, you tend to say it in a nicer way and your face also gives out a little smile no matter how hard you train your poker face. Please is a very gentle and polite word. You can use it to plead for something (Note: Little girls are very clever at this, especially with dads and brothers) Or use it to make your sentence a little more well-mannered. (Pass over that tomato sauce, please?) Please, can also be used with a hidden meaning. (Please pick up that rubbish. The person saying it could jolly well mean: You better pick it up or else. But, because of the please, they sound nicer and you feel much more obliged to do it, even though you may complain so terribly.) Besides, when you say please with a smile, who could resist your charming or beautiful look? Even angry or frustrated people with whom you are dealing with, will have their hearts melted (maybe just a fraction) and their moods brightened up for the day.
Which reminds me, we have to SMILE! Smiling brightens up your day. You are doing many people a favour when you smile. Don't go sulking around all day long. People have busy lives to lead, they are tired and harassed enough. Don't burden them with your long faces, chin touching the ground, mounth curved like a dull rainbow. Urgh! They'd rather be near sharks or snakes, then be near you.


Esee said…
PLEASE give me 5oo bucks. :D
Kath said…
GEez, not that please and smile!!! You didn't give ke lian puppy dog face.

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