Before and After

Do you know how it feels when everytime exams come, eveything is off limits to you? I mean, like during my study week, I was not supposed to touch the computer, not to play games or go online. (My own doing). Everytime I sit down to study at the table (computer in front of me), my hands itch to touch the mouse or even the keyboard. Urgh! Computer games during this 'perfect time' (duration before exams) are especially 'enticing' (Forgive me if it's the wrong adjective). My heart longs to be with this LCD screen and its coulourful 'nature'. My eyes ache to be glued to its bright and sparkly 'eyes'. Aahhh! And then, here you go telling yourself, "Study girl, study. It's only for three weeks.The computer will still be there, but your exams are only once!!" Then I drag myself, still unwillingly to go and study. But it always does not last long, no matter where I go, I can hear the oh so sweet melody of the computer games being played by my sisters. It's haunting me!
Then, after three grueling weeks of battling with your inner conscience, exams are finally over. The computers are yours to use for free! But, oh no, what's this? The computers no longer call out to me as they did before. In fact, I find the games all a bore now and wished that I had something else to do!! What's going on? Here I am, free from studies, with the time and 'money' to use the computer and I find it is like a normal chore. The games have suddenly lost their 'magical touch'. And I am sitting here all forlorn and lost figuring what to do...

P/S: While studying my computer subject, I came across this syndrome "Computer Addict". That's not me I hope!


chian said… monitor ar? :)
so free meh...
Kath said…
Oh! Ya.. haha. Had it last year already.. Not new anymore lo :P

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