A Cold and Tears

Ok, so I've been with this cold for a week. A cold that made me miss Pole class, a cold that made me sneeze like nobody's business, a cold that me quarantine myself inside my boss' room during work. (Let's hope the germs are all gone when he comes back... hahaha! Spray Dettol!)

I thought it was gone. Apparently not.

My mind is in a mess, so I kind of find it hard to articulate my thoughts right now. Excuse the random happenings popping up here and there.

I cried at work a few days back, while discussing a project with the head of my department. The Head. Honestly, I don't know why I cried. I wasn't being reprimanded or humiliated or rejected. The horrible thing was, once the tears started, it couldn't stop!! I could feel tears pooling in my eyes, snot threatening to leak out of my nose. Worse still, I had to use her tissue!! And I used it all!! The horror...! (No face to see people now) I blame it on the hormones (period...), the cold and the tiredness I was feeling. It was a crappy morning... Eesh. Never discuss projects with bosses while having your monthlies. Ever.

Oh my gosh! I cannot organize my thoughts... they're everywhere! I'm so sorry.

Ok, I'm gonna go sleep now. Monday's here again... Yes! Four days work week!


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