So Far....

Guess who's back?
Back again...
Kathleen's back.
Back again!!!

Hello hello. Merry Christmas and happy holidays...!!!

Yes yes I've been busy but I finally have time for a short breather before I plonk my butt on the chair to prepare for exams...
My break just started not too long ago... yippee!
Time, please please slowly pass us by. I want to enjoy the remaining of what 2013 has to offer.

Been catching up on my laundry... -.-'
Clothes which were long overdue for their ironing session hahaha. Very long... So far managed to clear a spot on my chair... two piles more... bleah. Ganbade desu..
Washed three dresses which could not be washed in the washing machine.
Feeling satisfied that I am not wasting my free time.

Went for my facial as well...also a long overdue thing to do.
Now to get my tooth settled for the last session, before the temporary 'cover' breaks and all hell breaks loose as tears and screams of pain erupt from this woman right here. :P

I went to bigbadwolfbooks this year!!! Hahaha. So happy. I thought I would miss this year's too but luckily managed to go. We were crazy... reached the place at 4am in the morning. But there were a lot of people too! Same craziness.

Here's my stash!!! Worth about RM 80.

There's another Big Bad Wolf too but it's a restaurant in Bangsar Village 1. During lunch, it's known as the Three Little Pigs. Big Bad Wolf comes out during dinner time...hahaha.

Big Bad Wolf Restaurant

Christmas is just around the corner.. preparations are being made too. Physically, emotionally, spiritually. It has always been and will always be my favourite time of the year, oh plus Easter of course. I hope that I will never lose this feeling. No matter if the feelings aren't there, I will make sure that I am ready for Christmas and Easter.

On a serious note, recent meet up with my friends made me question a lot of things... Divorce, mistress, separation, death of a spouse. It's really sad. Especially if your kids are young... in primary school, or worse yet still in kindergarten. A little girl once told me, "My daddy never comes to visit me.." She's not even in primary school yet. How?

Just today, I also got to know of a divorce that nearly happened. I am not sure whether it was said in anger, under stress, or with an unclear mind, but the words were uttered. It was quite close to home too...which I would never expect something liker this to even happen. Sigh.

Ok then, I got to go to bed. Lots of work to do for Christmas eve. :D


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