Sicko, Lol.

Being sick is annoying.
Your head keeps throbbing.
Your nose keeps leaking and getting blocked.
You sneeze endlessly.
Your fingers and toes are cold.
Your body is feverish.
Your eyeballs feel like they are on fire, everytime you close your eyes.
And when you start to cough, you cough as if your guts are going to explode.

You cannot think.
You don't feel like eating.
All you want to do is to curl up in bed, with your blanket and go to sleep.
But you wake up at 4, 5 am just to get yourself a glass of water.
When you go back to bed, you take a while to fall asleep.

I suppose its my body's system telling me to chill.
Don't worry so much and to not stress.
I rarely fall sick as I don't allow my body to.
But since it's the hols, my mind decided to let loose I suppose.
Thus, the current condition.

And because of other things.... history has repeated itself.
Guess I will always be a doormat.
To be used.
I hate this....

Have to get well soon to face the little kiddies again...


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