Chinese New Year 2012

Happy Chinese New Year everyone.... :D Ain't I very the CUTE? Yea... well the picture above doesn't really have a connection with CNY but every CNY I will always remember my grandma. I captured this photo with a camera. Talk about inception... A photo in a photo... hahaha. I still miss her dearly... cause we were very close I'd say. After she passed away, Eileen and I started this tradition among the four of us sisters. To pour tea for our parents on the first day of Chinese New year. We wish them well and they, in turn give us their blessings and the angpows, of course! I'm not sure how it happened but we ended up kneeling down in front of both our parents while giving them their cup of tea. See? Complete teapot and cup set, lol. This only came about three years ago... Why, I am not sure. This year, like the Hari Raya style, I asked for forgiveness from my two oldies (parents). I am sure I must have caused them a l...