Light Bites 2

People... never never drink and drive. It is dangerous yo!

My tolerance for alcohol has either decreased, or that glass of Sangria was made of wine that contained a more than your usual percentage of alcohol.

My head was throbbing, my vein was more visible and my heart was beating faster..!
Anyway, woke up with rashes on my body. Sad. Looks like I can't do social drinking much. Huh.

It was only one small glass....... Even less than a can of beer or a box drink. Yet, I still had breakouts. Grr...

Oh by the way, the Sangria here in Malaysia.... is pffftt... Lin2 and KT's gf LL also agreed. Once you've tasted the wine in Europe, even the cheapest, the wine in Malaysia can no longer be compared. Huh.

But I had an enjoyable time meeting up with my Uni mates: (KT, Jenny, Ash, Tee, Lin2 and Meow!!!) I haven't seen Meow for a year... and we used to be super close. Lol. We're like Kath and Meow. Hahaha. Hilarious! Still as pretty as always and so are her 'bullying' tactics. Thank you Tee for bringing her down to KL!

Christmas is almost here...! 2 weeks more. Yay! Awesome-ness.

For Catholics, we have major confession sessions throughout the country just before Christmas. I went for mine at SIC after work. An odd thing occurred. When I had mine done, I was leaving the church when this guy walked up to me. I had asked for his help earlier so I just smiled at him  (ok, never smile at strangers) and walked off, until he approached.

Guy: "Hey, do you work at EGO?"
I was stunned for a while so I said, "Yea I do."
Guy: "No wonder you look familiar. I wanted to ask you just now."
I asked him where did he see me before. He said, "Subang Parade."
I'm like huh?

That was a year ago...... 
And this guy can actually remember or recognize me??? Wow... I'm flattered to be honest. If people remember you right, it's only two things, either you were good or you were bad. I am hoping it is the former. Hahaha.

Then, he suddenly asked me for my facebook.... Facebook!!! What kind of technological world is this??  Why FB? Well, anyway, it was odd. But I was very flattered hahaha. I must have been good. Lol.

Another thing happened two weeks back. I nearly got an asthma attack. -.-' I was quite angry about something, till the point I started hyperventilating and I couldn't breathe. I struggled to breathe even though YK was fanning me. It kinda scared me cause I have never experienced this kind of reaction (something like what you get when histamine kicks in, re:peanut allergy). So yea, this is one reason why I should not get angry..... Control....

And yes, I blog more than I FB. So I tend to get outdated on people's gossip unless people bring it up hahahahaha. FB is like what KT said, THE place to know other people's gossip. I got no gossip and I am not important, so nobody needs to know. Hahaha.

Oh, one more thing, Have you done your Christmas list? Not shopping but a list of things you want to do for Christmas. Well, get it done people. I have three more items to tick off. :D
Goodnight world.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Kath, its true for this technology world..hehehe...I experienced also when I went to a camp in Kampar, this lady asked to add FB directly into her Iphone...but FB can't really stay in touch compared to hand phone (in my opinion).
Kath said…
Yes Tee. I agree. FB does help to stay connected in someways but handphone is always the best in keeping the personal connection with people.

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