Simple Things

Someone made my day today.

It was just a simple act of consideration from a total stranger which made it all the more worth sharing.

I paid my parking ticket and was coming out of a shopping mall onto one of the main roads in Subang. Got stuck as there was a long queue at the red lights.

There was this particular car that had its headlights shining directly into my line of sight. To block off the glare in order to see the road properly, I used my right hand to shield my eyes. (My eyes my eyes....*drama moment*)

I was in that position only for a minute when the glare suddenly disappeared. I turned and saw that the driver had toned down the car's headlights. I was kinda surprised and I burst out laughing in my car.

Like, "Wow!". The driver was observant enough!! I didn't have to wave like monkey or curse for the lights to be dimmed.

And... it was unexpected.

Felt slightly embarrassed, so I just waved and smiled a thanks to the shadow in that car. Cannot see ma. Hahaha. Thank you.

Sometimes, in life, it is a simple gesture that touches the hearts of people and brightens up their day.
Like bringing 'illegal' snacks to work, like calling to ask if we wanted to pack food when our only food source was closed, like dropping us off at a place nearer to our homes when we had no transport, like just calling up someone to find out how they have been doing (haven't been doing this for a while).

The thing is, the people who did the above, didn't have to. They did it and it was unexpected.

Simple things.... :) Or maybe cause I'm too simple-minded. Ha!


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