Light Bites

I know... A bit outdated on the posts. :P Been a busy bee. So here's another one to tide you through till the next post.

A Summary of the Week I Had

Saturday (03/09)
Went for a karaoke session with Chian, SY, David and Lionel. Arrived late and left early. Sad... didn't get to really let my hair down and really catch up with them. Urgh!

Went for another karaoke session with Yan, Chooy, Ben10 and CC. This time, in KL. Driving to KL was my biggest feat! I am a hopeless case for directions especially driving. I asked dad to draw me a map to Lot 10. Hahahaha. But hey, I reached the place without having to call ok? Albeit the missed turning.. My mom actually said she salutes me. I asked her why. She said because I dare drive into KL. See? I have to learn! My mom hates driving into KL. LOL.

Gym... Cardio. Cause I want to/need to/must keep fit. Been binge-ing a bit. Grr... Though people have been saying I lost weight. Hmm....

Last minute yum cha session in Cheras. I got there safe and sound! Hahahaha. Missed a turning again though. Heck! Met up with uni friends: Tee, Jen, KT and Lin2 who came back from the UK!!! She now has a Master's degree... 0.o During our conversations, can't remember how this came up, but the word kinky appeared, then Jen said that there was a university known as Kinki University. (I googled it later, it's in Japan!) Imagine this, instead of  "I am a UTAR graduate." You'll become a "I am a Kinki graduate." The fun of languages.

I was invited by Martin to share my WYD experience with some of the college youths that evening. At first I didn't want to as I am kinda scared and shy but then I thought why not. I thank God in a way I did, because hearing what other people had to share brought back that week's wonderful memories. It was weird sharing with strangers about your personal experience, but they were very nice about it. Though some were sleepy. Ha!

Saturday (10/09)
Went to Bangsar for a drink (Alcohol...) with Chian and SY. When I told mom, she gave me a look. Hahaha. Yea, the reprimanding look. Cause, you know, alcohol and I have a rough history. Kidding. I'm allergic to it. Rashes, red splotches and swelling. I can drink but I have to control the amount which basically just equals to one glass. Two glasses, say hello to the swollen red girl...

Hmm... went back to work. I was worried I couldn't wake up cause of the late night and early morning. I took a nap..hahah. Ended up having a nightmare of sorts... like the customer didn't want to buy our goods or something. That made me literally jump up out of the sofa... :'(

Take a chill pill. :)


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