Lost... In a Carpark!!!

Can you believe it? I got lost in a car park.

The story goes as such:
I had two hours of sleep on Sat night/Sun morning. My own doing hahaha.

Was quite "alive", energetic, chirpy, awake on Sun morning despite the lack of sleep.

But that condition deteriorated after lunch. My head started to hurt and I was getting really drowsy.
Lunch was at Bangsar with my family after which I rushed to e@Curve to pass up some money and meet Chian there to pass her some movie tickets.

Lost my way there, dad's GPS wasn't working fast enough, got stuck in the jam outside the Curve area. Eesh.
Rushing for time, I quickly entered e@Curve 's parking lot, searched for a space, parked and went off to the cinema entrance to do what I went there to do. Lol.

After I met up with Chian and her mom, and handed her the tickets, I went to pay my parking ticket. I was really tired and I began to feel the effects of my two hour sleep.

Paid and went down to P2 to look for my car. And you know what?
I have utterly forgotten where I parked my car. My only impression was that I parked next to a wall. So remembering thus, I walked round the parking lot, following the PERIMETER of the carpark, searching for my car.

I couldn't freakingly find it! I went in the shopping area again, came down the same way I went up, entered the parking lot again, walked the whole place but I still didn't see my car.

This guy in his car saw me walking around twice. Then he stopped and ask if I was searching for my car.
I said, "Yes."
He said, "Do you want me to help you? Maybe I can drive you around to look for it. Cause I really need a parking space."
I said, "Uh, no. It's ok."
Poor guy... probably thinking I'm so mean. Don't want to give him my parking space.

Walked round again. I was already muttering silent curses under my breath. Do you know how long I was down there searching for my car?? 20 minutes..!! 20 looooong minutes! 20 minutes of my life wasted. Argh!

Then you know what? Something made me feel uneasy and stupid.

I went up to P1. I walked to one side of the parking lot and there it was. My car.

My car! My car which I had parked on P1 and not P2!! My car which I couldn't find because I was searching the wrong level!

Urgh! I felt like a total dolt! Can I have a paper bag over my head? *shy*

And, that is what two hours of sleep does to you. Ok, maybe just me. Blur and not thinking clearly. Lol.

Sleep people, sleep!


WyAn CoMeT said…
Lol, snap a picture of ur car and lot number before u left. This is an order of my friend that i nvr bother of. ur sense of direction ya....haiz...
Kath said…
Hahaha. My sense of direction is quite bad la I would say. Lol. At least I still found my car! I have to save in msg where I park now.
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
it happen to me also just now..lol but not until 20 mins, just a while, coz my sis remembered which level she parked after searching around.
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Your sis is smart then. I'm a bit stupid and blur. Lol.

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