Down and Depressed

Haven't been feeling like myself lately.
I was feeling a bit down la. "Beaver's dam" it.
Cause I hate feeling like this.
I want to feel happy, cheerful and gay.
I don't want to be in a depressed or gloomy mood.

During my sister's wedding, I had to face some tactless comments from people, like "Oh, why is your YOUNGER sister marrying earlier than you? She potong you adi."
Personally, it doesn't matter to me. So I just say, "Oh no la, I'm just giving way to her." Then I flash them a super cheesy smile and laugh.

I got them from a few people, relatives, church people, dad's colleagues. Huh.
That was already bad enough la, when I received another comment, which my dad related to me on Tuesday. It seems that according to a colleague of his, I look too serious and fierce and that my look is going to scare any potential guys away.

She was referring to my expression at the reception table before the dinner where I was handling the guest list. Sigh...

I have never had anyone being scared of me. Even my school students and my dog bully me...
I was affected by what she said, truth be told. Cause I have never had this kind of comment thrown my way. It is not that I purposely want to look fierce or scary when I'm concentrating on something. I just happen to have THAT look.

I actually experimented on my colleague, YK. I came up the stairs and just looked at her. I didn't smile. She freaked...Oh dear. Lol.

So now, I am going to look on the floor or look elsewhere or read a book in my hand or pretend to be laughing into the phone. Anything to look distracted and not too serious.

I can smile but I want it to be sincere and warm. I could always try smiling at the computer... if that helps. Then people would comment that I look like a dork. Hahaha.

I think the comment got to me quite badly though I tried not to let it bother me too much.
But then again, she doesn't know me right?
I mean, I'm sure you people who really know me, know that underneath my so-called icy cold exterior lies a warm, fiery, enthusiastic and passionate person. Right? :)

I seriously need some cheering up.


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