A Wakeup Call

I rarely blog about this aspect of my life. But, here it is.

First thought in my head was, "Why???"
Before you even hear the answer, deep down in your heart you already know it. And why not?
It was expected in a way, yet not expected in some. It was suspected, just not that fast.

People will normally give the reason for their leaving as such, to greener and better pastures. The grass is always greener on the other side. I won't blame them. It is their life and it is up to them to live it.

Then you think, "Instead of making other companies seem like greener pastures, how can we make it or do it in such a way that the company you are currently in NOW be THAT greener pasture?" If it can be seen as such, then people won't decide to leave. Right?

I am actually worried for the company. It's expanding with two, three (or more) outlets this year. It is not a bad thing. It is actually a good sign. The exponential rate of its expansion is fine if we have enough people to support it. What if we don't?

It is not easy to recruit good and dedicated people nowadays and the ones that we have are leaving. Why can't we be able to grasp that and keep the good people with us?

Why is it that in such a short time span, (n) people are leaving? Is there something wrong? (Maybe I'm the weirdo here).

Some people would say money is not everything, you have to have passion in what you do. It is true to a certain extent as I am never a true believer of the line, "Money can buy happiness." I've bought new stuff and promptly forgotten about it. I am truly happy with my family and friends.

But still, when I look at the world around me, everything revolves around money. You need it for basic survival. To buy food, find shelter, get clothing. You know the famous line, "No money, No talk."

However, I would feel that money is not the only factor. There are others like job satisfaction, job morale etc. These are just bits and pieces.

Though who am I to say? I would not know anything about business, how it runs and stuff, so oh well.
We'll just wait and see and hope for the best. :)

And yes, I do realize that it happens in every other company. It's normal. But I am not working there am I?

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