Day 6 of 30 Day BLog Journal - 20 of My Favourite Things

Awesome!! The easiest yet one of the hardest topics to blog about.
Well, these are a few of my favourite things. *sung to the tune from "The Sound of Music."*

1. I love chocolates. I simply do. I especially like milk chocolate and dark chocolate. Mm-um... Melts in your mouth. The purer a chocolate is, the more bitter it is and the healthier it is. Sort of. (An excuse to indulge on them :P)

2. Earrings!! I have  more than 10 pairs (Is that considered little?). I have dangly ones, studded ones, big ones, hooked ones. Personally, I prefer those which you just have to hook into your earlobe. Studded ones always get lost as they are small and if you have thick earlobes you can't wear it.

3. Holly.. Not the Christmas plant, silly. But Holly my doggy. She's a mongrel which we caught from the wild when she was a puppy. Lol. She's a lucky one, she is. Everyone in the family loves and adores her. She gets annoying sometimes though when she pushes to go into the house before we manage to. So you have us 6 humans fighting with a dog to get into the house first. Hahaha.

There she is. Being scrubbed and bathed. Hahaha. She's nothing to look at but she's a wonderful dog.

4. My car. For which I am very grateful and appreciative of. It has been my trusty noble steed that ferries me to work, malls, makan places, home. Anytime and anywhere. It is old and like all old things, it gives problems now and then. Nothing too major. If not for it, I'll be taking Bus 11 more often. OMGosh!

5. Watermelon!! The big round green fruit with juicy red/yellow flesh and black seeds. Hahahaha. A great thirst quencher on hot, hot, HOT days. And it's naturally sweet too, I hope. I'll let you in on a little secret: When I was younger, I thought watermelons grew on trees! ROFL. Forgive my ignorance.

6. My eyeliner. Cause it makes my eyes bigger and actually visible.... Especially when I laugh. Enough said.

7. Potatoes! Hahaha believe it or not. I like potatoes. I like them steamed, mashed, grilled, stewed or in the shape of fries *wink*. (like Smeagol in LOTR). Hash Browns. Jacket potatoes are awesome, especially with loads of cheese. Like the ones sold in Wendy's. Lol. Potatoes, me love, Couch potato, me not.

8. What does Popeye like to eat? Spinach! Don't ask me why, but I like spinach. Not because Popeye becomes stronger la (some gimmick people use to make children eat their veges, haha.) but I just do. And it's easy to cook them. Oil, garlic, salt, water and spinach. ~Abracadabra~ Cooked vege. It's high in Vitamin K which is only good for certain groups of people. If you have thin blood, stay away from it. 

9. My Nine West bag...! Not too sure how well-known this brand is, but I really love this bag and I use it only for certain occasions. Got it from Aussie in 2008 and even making the choice to get this bag took me an hour. *rolls my own eyes* Don't want to regret ma. But I am very pleased with it. Hehe. So, good choice. :P

10. THE La Senza bra. Lol. I blogged about this before. So just read this post to understand why it made the list of my 20 favourite things. *wink* It's just a bra, don't be icky. 

11. My Nokia 6700 Classic. It's thin (quite) AND heavy. Love it's matte metallic casing and the features that it has. It's not a touch screen and it doesn't have a lot of apps but I still treasure it like gold. Till now it's still in a casing compared to my other phones which I just chuck into my pocket/bag. LOL. Gonna make it last for three more years then change. Hahaha.

12. Contact lenses. It gives me the opportunity to experiment with makeup and different looks or hairstyles. And the freedom of not always having to push my spectacles up my nose! Plus I get to wear cool sunglasses..! Not that wearing glasses is bad, you can do the hot librarian or teacher look with it. Hahahaha. IF you know how and if your glasses fit. 

13. In connection with item no. 12, my sunnies! It's purple and it fits my face shape pretty well if I might say so. It helps prevent excessive sunlight from blinding me while I drive and it also lets me hide behind it once in a while. :)

14. Tomatoes. Lol. The center of controversy for years!!! Is it a fruit? Or is it a vegetable? What do you think kids?! I will always see it as a vegetable. Hahaha. I don't mind eating it raw.  It contains lycopene which are antioxidants and good for you! Ah.... my biotech knowledge is coming back to me.

15. Ice cream!!! I scream, you scream, we scream for Ice Cream. Who doesn't love ice cream? It's just so creamy and cold and sweet and cooling and etc etc. :D And there are so many varieties available too. Though I have to say, yam should never be made into an ice cream flavour. Yam? Why don't we make celery ice cream too then? Eewww....

16. My VJ jeans. I have a few pairs but one pair among them all is my fave!! Why? Because it fits nicely, perfectly and it shows off my butt/tush in the most flattering and attractive way. *laughs crazily*  I am nuts! :P

17. Are abstract things considered as things? Dance!!! Dance is one of the most expressive form of art. You can really pour your heart, mind and soul in to it. You follow the music, close your eyes and just let your body do the magic. I enjoy dancing as you not only sweat it out but you also have fun. I did Ballet and Hip Hop before. Of the two, I prefer ballet as hip hop just doesn't cut it for me.

18. My watch. Cause it's my one and only. I use watches more for function than for fashion. It tells the time! That is as good as it gets, yes?

Birthday cum Christmas present from the "Parentals". :)

19. Another abstract thing but who's correcting? Colours! Hahah. I like blue...! Even my blog is BLUE. Blue is a very peaceful and relaxing colour. The oceans, the skies. Just right, don't you think?

20. Last but not least, my family and friends. You know who you are. *wink* Words cannot describe the feelings I have for all of you. Hahahaha. ROFL. Seriously, if you all are things, you are the greatest things ever!

Another post that took me two weeks to draft it out. What is going on??
(P/S: Thought I'd forgotten about this 30 day thingie didn't cha? Haha.)


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