
You know how when you get addicted to some things, you can never stop getting enough of it? You want more and more of it. You yearn for it and look forward to it? You would do anything just to get it? Well, this post is not about those kinda things. It's about other things. LOL.

Recently, I am beginning to have a lot of thoughts running through my head. Positive and negative ones. I would say that this is more of my reflection. Or what's left of my reflection.

My thoughts are numb,
My feelings are too,
I thought I was dumb,
But so are you too.

You daft you imbecile,
A fool that you are,
With that fake smile,
We know who you are.

Becareful what you wish,
Death could be at your door,
You better learn to fish,
And mop the dirty floor.

Don't forget your place,
And think you can't be beat,
For the one who's the real ace,
Will bring about your defeat.

Just random ramblings and mumbilngs I have. Peace out.


my dear... why sounds so dull.. Anything happens around?
Kath said…
Hahaha. Yeah... a lot has been happening. And I feel very sad about it all.

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