A Conversation Today

Something amusing occured today during work. LOL. Wait, I must laugh till I'm satisfied before I can type properly...Hahaha.

I received a phone call in the morning from some company. Below is a rough excerpt of our conversation. Bracketed words are my thoughts.

Caller: Hi, is this cik Nor Adlina?
Kath: Uh no. This is Kathleen speaking.
Caller: Oh ok, that's a big difference.
Kath: Uh yeah....(Heh?)
C: Oh nevermind about that (What do you mean nevermind? I'm Kathleen la.). Actually our company would just like you to participate in our forum group discussion (is that redundant?). Will you be interested?
K: Forum means that I have to come out and meet you guys right?
C: Yup.
K: Oh it's ok la. Cause I'm actually working and I won't have time to participate in these discussions. (Plus a bit lazy)
C: Oh, but we hold the forums only in the evenings weekdays, 6.30pm. And we also pay you RM 150 for your participation. (Yours truly instantly perks up)
K: Oh ok... But where is it held?
C: In plaza Kelana Jaya
K: Is it near Glomac?.
C: Glomac... Yea, I think so. Everytime I come to work I see the sign. (Ha? I think I'll get lost.)
K: Huh? You think so? (I started laughing)
C: We'd just like to do a simple survey. (I think he doesn't know what else to say). Ask you a few questions.
K: Ok.
C: What's your age?
K: 24 (Bleah...)
C: Could you also let me know your marital sta-tues? Star-tues? *fumbled a few times*
K: Status.
C: Uh yeah. Status. *Sheepish laugh by him* (I can imagine him scratching his head in frustration).
K: Single.
C: Oh no!!! (What?) The discussion is only for married people. Oh, then you don't have to take the trouble la.
K: LOL. Ok. (Hai... I took the trouble to talk to you.)

And the conversation ends with me laughing and him feeling embarassed (oh he laughed too, no worries).
What I don't get is how the heck did my contact number end up in some married section in a company?!


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
what a funny conversation? lolz...at least he found out u are single..haha
Anonymous said…
He's on to you.. :D

Kath said…
>Tee: But that's not how I want that to happen. Hahaha.

>Stephen: No he's not! :D

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