5 Things About Me

Five things you MAY not know about me.

1. I'm not a pill popper. I cannot, cannot swallow pills. A small stupid pill will take me 20 minutes for every attempt, during which should I fail, I will just spit out the half dissolved pill into the sink. I know, what a waste. But I can't. My esophagus simply won't allow me to swallow. Too small. Need a wider one hahaha.

2. I have a phobia of crossing drains, longkangs anything that's more than 20 cm apart. Even when I take the escalators, I take extreme precaution. I take ten seconds to get across or on the escalator. I fear tripping and falling over. According to Chinese 'pantangs', babies must not have their feet tickled lest they will not be able to cross drains. I think someone must have tickled my feet when I was a baby. Hmph.

3. I dance to random music though not in public becasue I'm shy!! But you can see me bopping my head or tapping my feet a bit once in a while. Ask my sisters. They think I'm nuts. I like to move! Really hoping I can take up some dancing lessons.

4. Everytime I find myself in awkward situations or when I don't know what to say, I will give this silly big wide toothy (teethy) smile. :D Really wert. What do you want me to do? To reduce the awkwardness or tension, a smile is the best remedy. But my smile a bit exaggerated la since I'm kind of nervous too....hahahaha.

5. I like cockroaches... They're my friends and I keep them as pets in plastic containers punched with holes for air. I let them out once in a while for exercise. Then they come back into their containers as I have dried anchovies waiting for them. *big wide grin* Ain't cockroaches adorable???

Hahahahahahaha. Ee-yuck!!!


JeNz said…
join me and take salsa lesson!!!
oh my... cockroaches... What bout mosquitoes?
Anonymous said…
Cockroaches?! O.O

Do you like kiss them or sumthing? :P

Kath said…
>Jenny: I'd love to... Will find out more from you. I'm itching to get grooving.

>Tianshi: Just kiidding bout the cockroaches.. I hate them. I dislike cockroaches more than mosquitoes. At least mosquitoea don't stink.

>Stephen: Hello.. No, I don't kiss them. In fact, I hate them. Hahaha. I put up that last one just for kicks. :D
chian said…
1. I knew this
2. I knew this too
3. you like to move it move it...
4. you always do that, meaning you always find yourself in awkward situations when you're with me??
Kath said…
>Chian: I'm kidding bout no.5!!! Hahaha. Wanted to see what ppl will say when I put that. LOL. No no, I'm happy when I'm with you so I smile a lot (genuine one).

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