
As the year 2009 comes to a close, I can't help but reflect throughout the year. The things I've done, the things I didn't do and the things which I now wished that I did or did not do.

Of course I regret the things which I said out of anger and in temper. Words said can never be taken back no matter how much you apologize. I mean, even if the other person forgives you, your relationship with that person is never going to be the same. It's like getting burned, the scar remains there. I am so sorry to those I have hurt. It's especially true for those whom I love and am close with.

There are other things that I regret. Among them, there is one that I regret quite a lot... Not the most, but one of the major ones. I regret not signing up for that US programme. Though Meow persuaded me quite hard, I decided not to go. I suppose I let my fears cripple me from participating in something different, something life changing. I regret that I let my fears hold me back. Come to think of it now, the factors that held me back seem quite trivial now actually. The weather there at that time was one. The other factor when I reflect on it now, was I did not want to miss my convo as the programmes were all held from May to October. Friends gave different views. Some said your convo will only be once in your lifetime (which is true if you don't take Masters). Others said why give up the opportuniy just to go for your convo (which is also true). Anyway, the opportunity is now gone. I'm no longer a student and hence no longer eligible to sign up for that programme.

Aahhh!!! Someone kick me!

Who knows... If I had signed up for that programme, my life could be different (not that I hate my life right now, just that I wouldn't mind something unique :D ). Ah crap!!!


JeNz said…
i don't quite like my life now too...oh well, let's brave ourselves and step into 2010!!!
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
time has passed, we can't change the pass but we can make a better choice of this present day to improve our future. Appreciate the present and the people around you, treasure every moment.
Kath said…
>Jenny: Yea... right now all I can do is be more daring and more adventurous. I hope I can!

>Tee: Thanks Tee. It's great to be reminded of the other things that I treasure. Reminds me to be more appreciative.

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