Genting Trip

Just got back from Genting with Meow and Tee.
Let's just say that this trip was quite eventful...hahaha. Very.

Tuesday, the day we went up...

- Met irritating, annoying and stubborn taxi drivers.

Kept saying things like "Xian zai shi yi dian de ba shi o, deng ni pai de lai ke neng liang dian de ba shi le.." (It's now the 1130am bus, by the time you buy your tickets it'll be the 2pm bus.) As if that's not bad enough, when we finally reached the Genting skyway station, one of those annoying taxi drivers was there. "Xiao jie, ni xian zai cai dao a? wo yi jing chi bao le o." (Wah miss, now only reach ah? I have already eaten my lunch lo.) Like whatever. We also ate already wert, just that we ate down in KL.

- Boarded a taxi whose driver does not know where he is going.

Our bus to Genting was at 12 noon. So we went to Melati McD to eat as there was time. (Hahah). We left the place at 1125 am to find a taxi to take us straight to the terminal putra station instead of melati where we would have to travel another station. Adoi!!! I tell you.. the taxi driver whom we got, got us lost!! HE took us to God knows where.. I sendiri pun tak tahu. Hou sam lei la ah pak, ng sek lou mai gong ng sek lo. (For goodness sake la uncle, if you don't know the way say so la). Not only did the trip cost three times more, we also almost missed the bus. Reached just in time. Thank God! Luckily Meow told him to turn in to Melati that side instead of taking us straight, passing by UTAR. How can you be a taxi driver if you don't know the way?? Especially in KL? Hello??!!!

- Met an aunty in the bus.

She was cool man! She goes up to Genting to the casino quite frequently. She's some silver genting worldcard member. Aunty Lim took us to the casino and even urged us to apply for the genting worldcard (we're greencard members now) and under her we could go into the international room in the casino which is only exclusive to silver card holders and above. Free drinks (the hot chocolate was great!) and cheap food was available in there!!! Syiok! We each also got a Kit Kat chunky from her. Seems the casiono gives her seven of those chocolates every visit or sth. Yums!
It was really an eye-opener in the casino. Oh ya, we each won RM 10 too!!! Hahahaha.

Wednesday, the day we went down...

- Met irritating people during our buffet breakfast.

- Played pool! (Tee was the coach) Silly bunch of guys observing our game. Ours was more interesting than theirs eh?? Haha.

- Went for bowling! (Meow was the coach) A guy in the next lane fell down after bowling the ball.. Think he felt embarassed. Hee...!

- Went for the flying coaster ride.. (hanged on for dear life!) Urgh! Smelly seats...

- And came back down to KL where we separated to resume our individual lives... Sniff.


chian said…
sounds fun! bring me to casino next time ya
JeNz said… many inconsiderate drivers?!
Kath said…
>Chian: Sure of course!! Hahaha.

>Jenz: Yalo, we were complaining why so cheh one that day...haha.

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