If I were... (Part 1)

Something I thought of during a chat with Jenny.

If I were some really big shot's daughter...

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure that classes were only held on Mon, Tues and Thurs. (Wed- movie day, Fri - it's already the weekend.. come back and study?? Potong stim aje la.)

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure that all of my tutors were guys and slightly older than me. Heh.

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure that deserving people don't have to sit for supp but the non-deserving ones should be put through 'hell'.

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure that the car park was SHADED! Very hot la...And.. car park stickers were given priority to final year students. (too late for that now...)

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure Starbuck's Coffee was brought into our school canteen and charged at half the normal price. (Yay... for all coffee addict drinkers)

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure that the front desk staff are friendly and able to cope under stress. (Hey, we are/or were students only la.. Don't blame us for having to come through you to get to our lecturers... At least smile a bit la... so fierce for what wor? No students... your job won't be there also.)

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure the canteen sold better food and at better prices.. I can get some silly biscuit thing outside for 30% less than what is being sold in the canteen know? Money diggers.. Heard some guy complaining.. chou shi tang. Hahaha.

If I were some big shot's daughter, I'd make sure the library is stacked wth many many more books. (Quite a pathetic amount when compared to other universities or even KTAR... sigh)

If I were some big shot's daughter, I wouldn't be sitting here ranting and raving away. Hahahahaha.



Lai Tee @ Grace said…
would there be Part 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.?
Kath said…
> Tee: Nope.. the other parts will be other roles I wished I was..heheh.

>Chian: This is just wishful thinking hehehe.
Unknown said…
haha... have you graduated kath?
Kath said…
Hey ying hui... yup yup I've graduated adi... how bout you? :D

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