Fried Rice!!

Okay, I'm not much of a cook. Huh..
But, I'm at least better than Maggi-mee cooks. Hahaha. Jk.
I cook frozen food and food that come in cans, packets. :P Ok wert...

I cry when I cook. (Onions ma...)
I sweat when I cook. (Fire=heat=hot lo!)
So I don't cook.

Until... *deng deng*.. desperate situations call for desperate actions.

Fed up of going to pack back food so often for lunch and felt a bit sick/jelak/sien of all the food from CNY. Leftovers again and again.. (Yes yes I am thankful that I have enough food to eat. Haha.)

So since Monday was a holiday, I decided to sacrifice my tears and sweat and get my butt into the kitchen to whip up something scrumptious.
The result:

My very own style of home-cooked fried rice. Wahahaha.

I didn't follow any recipe book. All from observation. Of course, I asked my mom for some guidelines.
Guinea pigs for this meal were my dad and two younger sisters. Hehehe. Reviews weren't bad. Hooray! Considering this is my first meal from raw and fresh ingredients.. not frozen or packed (except for the mix veg, :P).
Btw, I added something which I think no Chinese chef would add in this dish. Oregano powder. Ha!
What do you think? Looks good?? :D


xnos said…
hey..the look not bad leh..i think the taste also not bad wat~~
must rmb..:everyone can cook!!^^
Kath said…
Hahaha.. thank you thank you. At least I will have more confidence to try new dishes next time. You must cook and show us the pic too! haha.
xnos said…
haha..i'm not familiar in cooking also leh...everytimes just simply cook and eat!!haha!!^^
Kath said…
Haha at least it is still edible!! Means you are cosidered ok adi...:D
chian said…
wahhhhhhh never cook for me before!

i'm stucked wth RM18 fried rice here!!! help!
JeNz said…
wowwww...oregano!! that's interesting!!
Kath said…
Chian: RM18 for fried rice??! They 'kill' you la. Why so expensive? Anything special added in?

Jenz: Haha. Yea, the smell was strong. Added in too much I think.

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