Holly the Puppy

As promised, a short entry on the newest additional to our family (Now its old news...hahaha).


Holly the Puppy.

Hahaha. Yes, she's a normal mongrel... White with faint brown spots on her back. And she's a female!

She's been with us for almost a month now. And we simply adore her.

However, she does have this bad habit of biting us... whenever we play with her and show her affection. Her bites are getting painful as she grows and her canines become larger and pointier. It becomes worse when she's hyperactive and she'll bite you.

All my family members have these battle scars to show you, especially on our arms and ankles. The places small enough to fit her mouth..hahaha.

Training her is tough man! I can't train her as I'm too soft-hearted. Eileen does it with caliber and professional-like. Hahaha. Charlene's still scared of Holly and Shirleen's too loving to do it.

Both my mom and Shirleen have carried her in their arms before. Me, I don't really want to.. super scared of ticks and fleas. Huh. But I did play with her like tickling her belly and ruffling her cute little head.

She whines sometimes when she wants to get in the house. Makes me wanna open the door and let her in. She comes running to you when you're at the gate and you call her name. Adorable! We've never been greeted like this before by our rabbit. (Duh..) Hahaha. Yea, we have a rabbit too.

When the two of them comes together... the rabbit will attack the puppy and the puppy is jealous of the rabbit. Chaos.

By the way, this puppy was dognapped. We sort of caught it somewhere near my aunt's house in Puchong. Credit to my younger cousin brother who did the catching for us.


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