Listening to sad songs definitely does not help with one's mood.
Perhaps cause the weekend is over. And tomorrow I have to go back to the lab.
Perhaps I feel scared and uncertain... of many things. Especially the new year 2009.
Perhaps it's because this coming Christmas will be the first of "many firsts".
Many firsts that evoke both sad and joyful memories. But mostly sad ones. Yet, Christmas is also a time when we get to meet up with friends and family whom we rarely see. That is something to look forward to. :)
The first Christmas where the person I love will not be there to celebrate with me. Anymore.
The first Christmas where some changes are bound (and already) to happen yet I am desperately clinging on to the old, the familiar. I do not want to let go.
A lot of things have been wanting to be said. But cannot be said. For fear of a lot of things. Don't we all?
Watched Twilight yet? The plot is ok I suppose. But there is a song in the show which can really stir up the feelings in you. This song was played when Edward and Bella were in the treetops looking out to the lakes and surroundings.
A beautiful song.
Title: River Flows in You (Yiruma)
A few scenes from this movie are stuck in my mind though. I have no idea why. Perhaps cause it strikes a chord in my heart.
However, let me just say that I do not swoon over actors in movies. Hahaha.


xnos said…
Yo~~kath!how r u? long time din see you..may be we all busy in lab.^^
why looks so sad..?any happen to you?..dun listen sad will make you more down only.but i like to listen sad songs, not proposely to make myself sad, just it can calm down my feeling.^^
however, take care tough!!xmas soon..yuhoo!!!cheer ya!!^^
JeNz said… quite divided on whether to watch twilight or not.many review said tht it's too wishy washy
chian said…
hey dear! I have all the soundtracks from Twilight. I think the song you were talking about is Bella's Lullaby. A very nice song.
Get it from me when you're free ;)
Kath said…
Xnos: Hahaha. Not that I purposely listen to sad songs. Mood adi not so good then the songs just happen to make it worse. :) You take care too ya.

Jenz: It depends on what you're looking for in the movie I suppose. Hahaha. But yea, it's more for teenaged girls.. :P

Chian: Wah! Another movie in which you have all the soundtracks!! Hahaha. I will get it from you. Soon. :P

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