Goodbye 2008

A quick recap of the year 2008 before it bids us goodbye forever!!! As is tradition, click here and here for 2006 and 2007 respectively.

January: My birthday! And had a 'surprise' for me by my uni friends during our steamboat dinner. (Thank you!) Went to the Curve with CY and Chian for TGIFs!

February: CNY eve fell on the same day as Ash Wednesday (A day where Catholics are to fast and abstain from meat. So how?) We replaced it with another day officially lo. :)

March: Easter!! And also the month where I fell sick (food poisoning) and had to skip my genetic tutorial and MB lecture... hahaha.

April: Exams again.. and genetics really killed me... but results were ok. Thank God!!

May: My first overseas trip!! To the US! A very wonderful and certainly an eye-opening experience. :D Thank you mom and dad!! Hey, I paid for my food and other other stuff though. Haha.

June: Went to Genting and experienced my first step in a real casino surrounding. Felt like a katak di bawah tempurung. And realised that superstitions are really going on strong in there! Like no. 4 and others.

July: Can't think of any significant events... just that a lot of people's birthday fell in this month. Charlene's, Chian's, Jenny's, Flora's and many more!

August: My beloved grandmother passed away... I still do miss her dearly. Almost everyday. Went to Malacca with a bunch of guys and Chian! Had loads of fun. Haha. Attended CKK's lifeline conference, where I was mistaken for a Japanese, a Korean, and a native from China. By three different people. Hahaha.

September: Made the effort to attend the oral presenation of seniors who had the same topic as I did though I felt lazy. Huh. Exams!!!

October: Another overseas trip. To Bali island! With Jenny, Lin and two others. Another amazing experience with cultures other than my own. (Not to mention another hole in my pocket.) Was mistaken for a Korean again. Hahaha. (Yea, I'm enjoying this.) And, the start of my Final Year project! Thank God that it is almost over. :P

November: I lost my umbrella and magnetic bracelet in a space of just three days!! Sigh... what a klutz! Went to PD for a church retreat/ formation.

December: A rare family trip to Penang island and during my study week too. Hehehe. And another addition to our home - an adorable puppy!!! (more on this later)

Let's just say that my December was very eventful... both good and bad events. Sigh. And keep it at that.


JeNz said…
PUPPY!! can i see it?
chian said…
aaaahh..i want to do a recap too! but i want to blog about hk as how how?!
Kath said…
Jenz: Sure! But it's getting bigger now and no longer as cute...hahaha. I'll try to post pictures of it here.

Chian: Blog about HK first la..haha. Recap you keep till end of this year..:P

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