Those Form Six Days

My form six days were really great. So many fun and unexpected memories.

Of course, not saying that my other years were full of sorrow, just that my form six days sticks in my mind more vividly.

I remember the day when ST scared me with a cockroach. We were having biology class in the lab and she decided to play a trick on me. She said in a serious tone of voice, "There's a cockroach underneath our bench!" I am scared of cockroaches. So I screamed and jumped off my stool, scaring the whole class into a silent shock. Even our biology teacher was shocked and her eyes were so big staring at me and my other friends, who had recover from the shock of my scream and were laughing away. I apologised profusely. Stupid cockroach was a dead one. Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed after that.

I remember the day when I cried during biology lab, when we were required to dissect mice. The unlucky mouse I had chosen was pregnant! I felt so sad for it. The foetuses could be seen joined together in a chain-like form. I stopped dissecting after that to regain my composure. Then I continued (got marks la) and was able to overcome it. I had to! Two more dissections were coming!!!

I remember the day when we were required to stay back for some co-curricular activities. Me, YW and ST were members of the badminton club. Being too lazy to change out of our white top and turquoise skirt, we proceeded to play badminton in our school uniform. Every time we jumped to hit the shuttlecock, we held down the hem of our skirts. Hahaha. ST looked like a ballerina. Hahahaha.

I remember when we were on duty in the school's co-op, we would sometimes decide to eat some ice cream. We start at the same time, but I always end up the last to finish, with the end of recess bell having rung five minutes ago. They'd be waiting for me while I try to stuff the cold stick down my throat. End up coughing.

I remember when I played a trick back on ST. I had quietly snitched her calculator in the lab as we headed back up to our class. There, ST searched her desk and among her things for the calculator. Not finding it, she told YW and me about the missing item. YW (who knows I have it with me) with a straight face, told ST that we didn't see it, AND suggested that ST could have left it in the laboratory, to which I answered with a frantic yet solemn, "Oh, ya lo." This caused ST to head back down to the lab and during her absence we quickly slotted the calculator inside her desk. ST came back up and replied that the calculator wasn't in the lab as well. Then, out of habit, she started rummaging through her desk again. She found the calculator and joyfully told us about it, having thought that she didn't check through properly. Both me and YW kept quiet. The trick was later exposed to her about half a year later, near our STPM. Hahahahah. Best joke ever, coming from both me and YW who can never act serious!!! Haha!

I remember the day when we were supposed to bring in our mice for killing, so we could dissect them afterwards. A shocking thing happened. SE's mouse was found to be long dead in a Jacob's biscuit tin. NO holes were punched and SE only opened the cover to throw food in and slam the cover back down again. No water, no air. IT was totally gross!!! And SE didn't even know till the lab assistant asked whose mouse was kept in a tin. We were all laughing at the absurdity of it (and also bewildered) whereas SE was too shock to even react. She didn't have to dissect later lo... (And we also didn't have the guts to peer into the tin. Poor lab assistant.)

Ah... the wonderful days..hehe. But life does keep on getting better and better. :D


chian said…
hahah, it's hard to imagine playing badminton with your uniform =.=

if i were you , i might have had my undies saying hello to the world d LOL

Kath said…
Ngek ngek. We are pros in badminton playing with skirts..hehe. Got to master that skill!
JeNz said…
LOL...i thought that was the best thing ever to have a pregnant mse..i remember irene having it and i was like..omg, let me take a picture! it's so cute! was like not hitting a jackpot when you found out tht yours weren't pregnant.

(uhm...okay..i sound psychotic but i really felt that way! HAHA)

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