Sex before Marriage

Warning: May cause some disagreements. Don't read.

Don't have pre-marital sex. Ever!!
Why? Why do I feel so strongly about this??
Smoke yourself dead and drink yourself drunk, all you want. I don't care. (Maybe a bit)
But say No, TAK NAK and Bu Yao to pre-marital sex.

An analogy.

Take a piece of masking tape and stick it on yourself first.
Peel it off and stick it on another person. Peel it off and repeat the steps for four more people.
What can you observe about the masking tape after that?

You are the masking tape.
The people whom the tape gets stuck on are your sex partners.
The stickiness is the bond between you and your partner.
As you have sex with more people, the bond between you and that person becomes less. You no longer see that person as a person, rather a tool for your sexual tension release.

Sex IS a beautiful thing.

But because of irresponsible people and media, it becomes dirty. A thing looked upon as taboo and something disgusting.
Which is just so sad!!!

When you have sex with someone, a bit of you stays with that person. For girls, you find it harder to let him go. For guys, you either shake her off (and hurt her and yourself in the process) or you are bound to her.

Another analogy.

Take two pieces of bread. One slathered with peanut butter and another with strawberry jam. Put the two pieces of bread together. (You have sex)
And pull it apart again. (Break off or separate)
See what you have? Bits of jam on the peanut butter side and bits of peanut butter on the jam side. (You get what I'm saying here)

Either way, both sides get hurt. Neither gains, maybe temporarily. But is it really worth it?
Only and only have sex when you're married. Who cares about being inexperienced or experienced? You'll learn gradually in time or it will come to you naturally. Don't succumb to peer pressure. Are you gonna jump off the cliff and die just cause everyone's doing it and you're told to do so? You have a brain, use it. That's why it's there.

Having sex before marriage destroys the beauty of it.
What's there to look forward to after the marriage? You've already done it. There's nothing exciting anymore. So? What happens then? More of it, then? Nothing.
Someone once said: A REAL man has self-control. Not the ones who let the pressure get to them. Same goes for the ladies.

I have been wanting to post this for quite a while (months ago) but something triggered me to do it now. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't have pre-marital sex, not just based on my religion.

This is my stand, for what I fight for and believe in.
Hey, you may not like this post or are indifferent to it. No matter. It's you.

"Stand for something, otherwise you'll fall for anything."

I told you not to read it. Fire me.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Hey, heard these (all the analogies) from speaker about same title...(probably same speaker or they use the same analogies)
it's what we heard, believe or not is up to us...

same principal I'm holding, "NO premarital sex"
xnos said…
mostly the girls are not agree to premarital too.
but now the people around of us especially teenagers(young than us) already have the sex with their partners. nowadays it's look like normal.
Kath said…
Tee: Think they use the same analogies also gua.. Cause one was from speakers from singapore,another I forgot from where.

Xnos: Not really ah.. some girls also do it. Got a few friends who did it (both gys and girls). Yea.. too normal adi. Hahaha. Sigh..

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