Photo Frame

Ta da! I have finally done something useful and worth talking about during my first two weeks of holidays. I did a transformation, no, not on me, but on a plain wooden photo frame. And the results are as below:

This is the top frame, decorated with blue ring beads paired together.

This is the bottom frame where I used milky white beads.

And this is the side frame where I used glitter dust.

I think it's awfully pretty especially if you had seen the frame before these construction works. The work doesn't take too long as long as you have the materials and the concentration to do it. Great activity to do during holidays. Oh yeah, the cost is quite cheap for the beads and stuff. Anyway, the frames are available at IKEA. So, go buy some and let your creativity flow...


chian said… nice one....i want....hahaha! oh yeah..the beads on the frame that u gave me 2 years ago...has been falling out ever since....7788 shd i send it to ur 'workshop' as well? heeehee
Kath said…
Can.. can... maybe I'll even modify for you. Now I know which type of glue is more suitable for sticking beads. The beads won't drop off anymore. So sorry, that one was my first try. Now smarter adi.

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