Lantern Festival

I don't know why, but this year, I suddenly had the urge to play with lanterns during this festival. I used to collect dry leaves, twigs and paper and then gather it together and light it to form a bonfire. This was when I was way younger, before my teens I think. Then, slowly, this passion for lanterns just sort of died of. But now, that passion has been ignited again. I even went all the way to Carrefour just to buy the paper lanterns and candles.

And mind you, it really is paper lanterns I am talking about here. Not the battery operated type which is as hard as rock and gives out sounds like mosquitoes having a gathering in your house. Not even the wired animals or bugs which you carry along using sticks. Nope. Just plain , old (rather new) traditional but beautiful paper lanterns.

And the view are as below:

Ta-da! Using my gua sam ga (place for hanging clothes) to hang lanterns instead.. Is it not ingenious? Just kidding.

This is the opposite view... exactly the same gua sam ga.

My pretty traditional lantern... Just as they say: Pretty in Pink!

A lantern with a touch of pattern. Gives it a special feel(view) to it.

This night was another night when my cousins came to visit. They brought their lanterns along as well. That explains the numberss...

Some of my cousin's lanternsss... Check out the words! :)

Can't read it? Here it is. HELLO KITTY lanterns!

Candles, which we put at the side of the drain to brighten up our garden.

Oh! By the way, this time round... we didn't really burn any stuff like that.. Don't want to contribute to the haze as it is already bad enough. 'Thanks' to some people.



chian said…
nice long nv play already....hahah yeah i still rmb that, our younger days, when we burn the grass and leaves at my place...and i ended up have to korek out the leftovers of the candles lol!
Kath said…
Uh-oh! I didn't help ah?! Can't remember that haha. Sorree. I also had to korek after my cousins went back home... hmph!

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