My Temporary job

Haha. At last, I have managed to secure a temporary job to fill up my months of free time. I am not sure for how long I'll be working but I will spend at least a month doing something useful. Haha. The job that I am in now, I feel very happy about it. Not only the high pay but also the work. I am currently working as a homework guidance teacher to children from Std 1 to Std 5. Wokring hours are 7.30am to 9.30am and then 3.30pm to 6.30pm. Five hours a day and I only have to work during weekdays. My pay is RM 10 per hour.. So each day I'll be RM 50 richer!! Cool dude. Feel so happy that I got this job. Seriously :) The kids aren't that bad, but there are always one or two that drive you nuts with their words and behaviour. Argh! Some of them are so cute and puny that I actually enjoy talking with them and seeing them. Hehe. Some are so sweet, they give little presents like sweets or biscuits. Which reminds me, I have to buy some goodies to give them too. This job really is better than I expected. :D


chian said…
aww so sweet!! i wan tat job, too! too bad i'm too busy for a job at this moment!

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