My Chinese New Year

Year after year, I have always celebrated Chinese New Year the same old way. Changes to our routine rarely happens. On the eve of the Chinese New Year (CNY), My whole family will go back to seyang to my grandma's house to have the reunion dinner. It is a time for family members to gather together especially those who are busy working and rarely seen for most of the year. Time for people to catch up with one another, like who's getting married, who has kids, whose girlfriend and boyfriend and so on. This dinner is a big feast with lots of food to signify lots of wealth through the whole new year. Each food laid on the table signifies something good and positive. At night, parents are said to have a longer life the longer their children keep awake during this eve night.

The next morning which is also the first day of CNY, I normally have nin go for breakfast covered with shredded coconut. Then we head off to Church to start the New Year with blessings. Haha. We also get an angpau and mandarin oranges. Later, during lunch time we gather at either my grandma's sisters or brother's house to eat. Each year it rotates and a different venue is set eveytime. It will soon be time for my Grandma's house. :) Threee four hours later we head off for home... it can be very tiring especially when the house is in Karak or even further. We reach home and all fall in our beds for a nice rest.

The second day is when we go off to my mother's side of the family, to my grandfather's house in Puchong. This is a more simple gathering, where everyone will go to a restaurant to have our reunion dinner. News are also updated amongst one another and we get to see our cousins who live a distance from us.

This is about my typical CNY. The best thing I like about CNY is the yee sang which we get to lou!!! Oh ya, don't forget the red packets too! Another source of income..hehe.


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