
Haha. Finally my MUET exam is over!!! Well, except for the speaking part. Had to wake up at 6 a.m. in the morning just to goto school to sit for this exam. I must get a band 6, oh, I just hope I do. Didn't really do well in my essay part... Don't understand the message they're trying to convey. Couldn't write a lot, think I did a slip-shod job out of it. So sad so sad. Straining to open my eyes now, hehe. Thank goodness Monday is a holiday! If not, I think I would faint from the exhaustion and tension and stress. Well, semester exams are just two weeks away. And the orientation for the lower six students is also in the next two weeks. Hmmm.... wonder who's coming in. Yay yay at least I can call them my juniors. Photo taking session is during next week after the labour day holiday. Hehe, must prune myself and make myself look presentable *wink* :). Aaiii, senior page photos also not taken yet. My class is definitely slow in this kind of things. Oh well, it will come, it will come.


chian said…
hey guess wat? i might be taking MUET! thought i could do it with u...but haih...y do u take it so fast!??!?!? wait for me mah...=.='' anyway. pls save ur books for me ya? i might need to borrow it from u...jsut to flip thru n c if there's anything tat i can read up..n...be my teacher for the MUET test kay? hahah..i'll belanja u for that..! hehe

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