Exams 2

Wahahaha. Mid year exams are finally over!!! Yay! Now for two weeks of holidays and then back to school and work. Only the trial paper left to go, and then the big deal... STPM! Wah, so much to study and remember. Didn't remember enough for my mid year.. oh well. Left out one essay each for chem and bio. 15 marks gone down the drain. Not to mention all the guessing games for structure questions and eeny-meeny-miny-moes for the objectives. Wonder how I'm gonna fare. Well, I'll know after two weeks. Hopefully I won't fail any subjects. That would be like so sad man! Seriously.. What to do... I'm not born with THE brains... I have to change my strategy of studying I think. Must do more past year questions instead of just reading and memorising. Ain't gonna help me much. For now, I'm just gonna kick back and enjoy!


chian said…
exams finished?? muuuahahahhah fast fast ask me out for a date lah ^^ ;) i'm free from next wednesday..WooHoo!! can't wait~~!!!!!!!!!! pls shout out ur comment on my blog kay? hehe..dun be shy XD
n u know wat? u can actually reply to a comment!
Kath said…
serious you can do that? heheh well now I know and heres my reply dude...feels kinda weird like talking to myself
chian said…
nah u'r not talking to yourself, u'r talking to ME..^^

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