
Okay, holidays are ending soon, only four more days to school. Argh! The horrors. Don't know what's wrong with me. Used to be excited to go back to school. Maybe because I don't like the school that much yet, or maybe there's no one I'm excited to see about. Anyway, I think I have to gain back my momentum in preparation for classes. Managed to finish chapter 8 of chemsitry today. A bit sad huh? Had wonderful plans for the holidays but didn't end up doing them. I only did a bit of practice for pure mathematics. Freaking out already. STPM is coing soon. Very soon as time flies by quickly. I'm now having a headache rushing through a dateline for a group project. Can't identify the plants, have no way of nowing how. And with three of my group members' computer system down, I have to bear the load. Thank goodness another member still has a functioning computer. my shoulder aches due to the long sitting sessions and my head really hurts as I strain my eyes to search for information. My eyesight is definitely going to deteriorate after this hols. Nothing but computers and televisions all day long. *sigh* Oh well, might as well go and continue searching. Really need to sleep. Wish me luck.


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