Being Bullied

When I was in primary school, I was bullied. A lot. Maybe because it was the way I look or maybe these people just nothing else better to do with their time. Anyhow, I was always being laughed at, criticised at and so on. I remember I used to cry in class when these things happened. Some 'friends' even tried to throw leaves down my neck into my clothes on purpose!! A teacher once said that I looked like an 'old grandmother' too. I didn't like it. I remember a particular boy calling me ugly straight to my face. Man, that hurt a lot. Maybe, because of all these bad experiences, I cry easily. I still feel hurt when I think of these things. But thank God, I'm an okay person. In fact, a special one. :) I may not be able to forget these incidents but I think I'm able to forgive.


chian said…
hey...tat's sad...hope that i wasn't one of them... cuz i remember that i've been teasing u a lot since young, until now...XD but i didn't mean anything bad, just joking around, hope u dun mind ya :) u know, kids r liddat 1 lah..dun understand others' feelings..PLEEAAASE forgive muah~! boohoo~ *tear*

p/s: i dunno whether u'll see this or not, since it's actually quite an old post, but i'll leave a comment anyway, can't help it, it's so sad!
i cant write anymore...wanna cry..buwai..
*BuuUuUaAaAahhhhHHh..* *blowing nose* *tears streaming down*

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