How it Started (Sign Language Classes)

Yesterday, was my fourth sign language lesson. Honestly, I have never thought that I would take up sign language classes or even have a remote interest in this subject. 

Yet, here I am. 

How this came to be? I am not too sure myself.

But I suppose you could say that there were a few factors that influenced my decision to take up this class.

1. Awareness
When Starbucks Malaysia opened their first signing store in Bangsar, dedicated to employing deaf partners, it was something new to me. 

A signing store? 
Huh? How does that work? How does one communicate, "One Java Chip, grande size, soy milk, one pump sugar, no whipped cream" by signing?

Then the movie, "A Quiet Place", starring deaf actress Millicent Simmonds was shown in the cinemas. The movie itself was a whole new experience for me, with a majority of the length of the film being played in silence. Even the typical jump scare parts were not really scary as there was no creepy background music. Hahahaha!

But yea, the movie presented another exposure about the deaf world to me.

2. Exposure
An aunty from church, whom I am also acquainted with, had started taking sign language classes early this year. Due to her interest, she shares Facebook postings related to the use of sign languages or the deaf world.

For example:
a) Penny Mordaunt, the first hearing UK minister to use British Sign Language in Parliament
b) Deaf footballers who set up their own league in Somalia as they were not allowed to join existing teams

Her postings have somehow brought about an even greater awareness and understanding of another world that is similar yet not the same as ours, to me.

3. Opportunity
Last but not least, in pushing me to joining a sign language class, was the opportunity.

I came across a bulletin in church, one day, advertising basic sign language classes. Prior to that, I have sort of googled sign language classes and realised that YMCA is one of the places that provides this class. But since the church that is conducting this class is nearer to home, I thought why not and signed up within a week after enquiring.

So, there you have it, my 'journey' to joining a sign language class. No regrets, it has been an interesting adventure so far and a real eye-opener.

P/S: Did you know that Starbucks in the US is opening their first signing store soon?
PP/S: Did you know that there is a cafe in Taman Mayang, Petaling Jaya, run solely by the Deaf? The name of the cafe is SPREX and you can find out more about them on their FB page. Link here:
(I have been there. Too bad I wasn't in the sign language class yet and could only communicate through pen and paper or pointing, otherwise I could also take that chance to practise my signing.)

Interested in learning a new language?
Instead of taking up Korean, Japanese or Spanish language classes, why not consider Sign Language too?


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