A Recruiter's Woe

I'm tired.

I'm tired of my job, of doing recruitment, of dealing with clueless and stubborn hiring managers. Of hiring managers who demand perfection yet are only willing to pay peanuts for the person.

I'm tired of candidates who reject my offers over and over again. Is it me? Or is it the manager? The interview? The first impression of the company's culture?

How do recruiters do this over and over again? How do they survive working in a recruitment firm when I can barely do recruitment any longer? And bear in mind, I am only recruiting for my own company.

I want to stop searching for people, searching for talents.

I am struggling to take care of myself, of my current work situation. I have no energy left to take care of others.

Get your own candidates since you are so picky.

Candidates with 1 month notice period is definitely better than those who have 2 months, in terms of waiting. And if the candidate is good, why not? Why hassle on their starting date when they have already stated their availability period?

And why are you taking so long to determine your candidates? I profiled 20 (way more than I should), you interviewed about 14 and yet you still cannot find a candidate. Why are you so picky? You want someone with skills set A to do a job of skills set B. Of course you will never be happy. It is not a job fit. Anyone can see that! I have brought it up countless of times and you cannot provide me with an answer as well.

And you, I don't know what it is but I think your position is cursed. More than 20 candidates profiled, more than 10 interviewed, offered to 2 candidates and BOTH candidates turned down the offer, one after the other. What's wrong??

I am so tired of this. Tired of hearing myself rant and complain over and over again.
All these plus some other issues make it more unbearable.

I'm already looking out, putting my feelers out there to see what is available and what I can do. But I am paralyzed by fear. Fear of incompetency, fear of change (no brainer there), fear of incapability, fear of rejection. Sigh.

But, I have. I have put in an application here and there. So let's just see how it goes...

Apologies for the depressing note.

Have a Happy New Year!


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