I am Famous!

Read this.

I'm quoted, hahahaha. Perks of being friends with writers in mainstream media. But honestly, I thought it would be a small comment piece in the side columns, not as part of a main article. I'm famous!! (Yea, right...)

I can't wait for the long weekend to come. A break from work, a break from the hustle and bustle of working in a corporate environment. I don't think I can survive working in corporate for that long. Am not bitchy enough because apparently (according to my colleague) I am too people-oriented, taking people's feelings into consideration instead of being task-oriented. Unfortunately, nobody takes MY feelings into consideration! Bah!

Anyway, long weekend means road trip to Cameron's to spend the time with God, Jesus and my fellow Catholic kakis. Can't wait but I'll be so tired out come the next Monday when I go back to work. And I can't take leave! I have 4 new staff reporting on that day and mama Kath's got to get them all happy and settled down in their new place. I just hope they stay long and not, like, leave within a couple of months. I hate that...

Can you believe that 2017 is almost two thirds done? Time flies by so fast. One and a half months more and it'll be my 3 years anniversary with my current company. I can't believe it!! Maybe I should reward myself with something, like a pampering session or travelling. One thing I have yet to do is to go on solo travels. I dislike the hassle of booking flights, accommodation, local transportation etc. I am happy to go on travels with a group of friends with everything planned out, I can then walk around the foreign country on my own. I just don't like the initial planning but I can be spontaneous in a foreign land as long as I know where I am headed to and how I can get there. Trust me, I've done it before and I can't believe that I dare to.

I wanted to check some work emails but my password has expired and I can only renew it when connected to the wifi at work. So, that's all for now. Goodnight! :)


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