Respect my Time

Respect my time please. Honestly!

If your interview is scheduled for 10am, then be there by 945am.
Why would you want to come in as early as 9am for your interview?
Where am I going to let you sit?

If I let you sit in one of our rooms, you're taking up our space that was not accounted for for that period of time. Then I get 'harassed' as to why I let my candidates wait so long when it is by no fault of mine or the interviewers. I did tell you to come at 10am, did I not?

Geez....I understand that you want to show that you are a punctual person but this is a bit too much.
You could have gone off to get a drink then come back later. I don't even know what to do with you myself!

"Should I let the person sit here? Should I ask the person to go out some where and return later?"

Maybe I should leave myself and hide away and leave you people to sort out yourselves....


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