Hello Holy Thursday!

Nah, updated my profile pic so people won't say that I am lying. I look like that now. Seriously. 

1. I put on weight. Didn't exercise lo but I've been going for Zumba classes for a year now. Just once a week but at least I get some sweating done, though with the heat now, one wonders why I would want to sweat more.

2. I did not straighten my hair. It's been 4 years plus since my last rebonding session. Perhaps I can go for it again. My hair should have recovered by now. Lol!

3. I am surrounded by food, by people who like their food and by people who continuously try to fatten me up by buying food for me, e.g. snacks, kueh, etc. Noooo....!!! Your goals are achieved. I am now fat and round. Don't feed me anymore!

Yes, I will try to keep fit. Thanks for the concern. :)
On a side note, I cut my hair! It's totally short now and my pony tail is like a bushy bunny's tail.
Oopps. I gotta run. See me at Dayre k. Ta!

P/S: I'm on half-day leave today. 


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