Little Boy

Am I doing thigs right?

Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if what I am doing is good enough.
I struggle to be the perfectionist that I am, unfortunately.
I want this to go this way, and that to happen that way.
But it rarely ever happens.

In fact, the opposite does.
The classes you are so worried about turn out to fine. Great even!
The classes which you thought you were in control of, turned out to be horrendous....
Lesson: Just go into class with an open mind. Expect the worst but hope for the best.

On a little side note... hehehe. Sigh.
I scolded a little boy in my class today. He's about 4-5 years old.
He was being naughty till the extent his classmates couldn't take it.
He didn't like being scolded by me... haha.
He crossed his arms in front of himself, sat very straight on his stool and ignored me.
I ignored him too as I had to go through the lesson with the rest.

As the bell rang and the kids got ready to leave,
I took this little boy to the side and talked to him.
I told him,
"I'm going to see you tomorrow.
I am depending on you to behave and be good in class.
Then I patted his head. He cried a bit earlier I think. Lol.

The kids leave to board their respective transport home.
This little boy takes the van.
As he prepared to come down the steps from first floor,
to where I was stationed on the ground floor,
he said loudly in a cheery voice,
"Bye bye aunty Kathleen!"

Sigh, little kids.
How can they not make your heart melt?
Even though they are little terrorisers at times...


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