
I lost my courage.That text made my heart drop.

Suddenly, I don't feel so brave anymore. I really feel scared.

What if I cannot do it?
IT seems very real now. Fees are paid, logistics are all prepared. It's only three months away. But I got this panic attack out of the blue.

I am just suddenly scared...


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Kath,You can do it!
like nike (Just do it!)
or in the bible it says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me." - this is why and how I can make it last too can make it, don't give up! :)
JeNz said…
is it THAT text? i'm kinda..erm..scared as well..but i guess the one thing i'll do now is to buy a smaller protective bag for my needs the extra protection in case i slip...
Kath said…
>Tee: Hahahah. Tee, you can do motivation talk. I won't give up. I'll try my best. :)

>Jenny: It was the text that came from KT. It sounded so final that it scared me.

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