What I Wish...

For Christmas 2010....
24 days left till Christmas. :D

I wish that I could make a difference in people's lives. No matter how small that change could be.
I wish that I could be brave enough to take risks (calculated of course!) and face challenges that lie ahead for me in the future.
I wish that I could be more sensitive towards other people's feelings.
I wish that I could light up everyone's face with a smile and brighten up their day, no matter how bad their day or my day has been.
I wish that I didn't regret some things in life which I did not take action upon. (Sort of)
I wish that I knew where and what I am going to do. (But then... who exactly does?)
I wish that I could be a better person. (Mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.)
And, I wish that I could also find that special someone.

Finally, I wish that I could just be me. :)

I wish.


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