Google's Predictions

I am quite a curious person by nature, which more often than not causes me to land in a lot of trouble. Sort of. Ah well, that's me. :D Anyway, I had nothing much to do one day. Hence, out of curiosity, I decided to play with Google web...Hehe. Google's search engine has this prediction 'thingie' whereby you just have to key in the first few words and Google will show you a list of what you could possibly be searching for. Most easy example is song lyrics! I randomly keyed in a few words, and, checkout what people all over the world are searching for!!! This is the "I like to-s..." I like to play games ... Hmmm.... Good for you. Thanks for sharing. *sarcastically* Why would anyone search for that??? However, the most outstanding one is....*drumrolls* I like to fork myself!! What the heck is forking yourself??? It sounds utterly wrong and eewww.... And besides, I don't think I want to find out what it means anyway. Fork myself?? Huh... Not gonna ...