
Showing posts from April, 2010

Google's Predictions

I am quite a curious person by nature, which more often than not causes me to land in a lot of trouble. Sort of. Ah well, that's me. :D Anyway, I had nothing much to do one day. Hence, out of curiosity, I decided to play with Google web...Hehe. Google's search engine has this prediction 'thingie' whereby you just have to key in the first few words and Google will show you a list of what you could possibly be searching for. Most easy example is song lyrics! I randomly keyed in a few words, and, checkout what people all over the world are searching for!!! This is the "I like to-s..."   I like to play games ... Hmmm.... Good for you. Thanks for sharing. *sarcastically* Why would anyone search for that??? However, the most outstanding one is....*drumrolls* I like to fork myself!! What the heck is forking yourself??? It sounds utterly wrong and eewww.... And besides, I don't think I want to find out what it means anyway. Fork myself?? Huh... Not gonna

All is Not Well

Yes, thank you. I know my blog is growing mushrooms now. Shitake hopefully. :D I have no inspiration to write. Till now I suppose. I think people, generally (me included), have to be careful with their words. Becareful with what you say. Sometimes the things we say, mean nothing to us. But to the other party, it could either hurt them, kill them or the other way round. Sometimes when people say things that cut us deep inside, we just smile and pretend that we take no offense at what they say. But once we're in the safety of our hiding place, we cry. And cry and cry till our pillows are soaked with tears. But no one sees these tears or hear the pain you feel when you cry. Then the next day, you go back to class or work, smiling, laughing, pretending that all is well. We look well, but if you look closely, you can see the hurt or pain in our eyes. The dark rings under our eyes cause we couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning in agony. It is even more painful when you face th

Home-Cooked Dinner

Worked night shift today as I wanted to go for my long-overdued facial in the morning. Why? To beautify myself of course. Duh. (sarcastically). Well, you know how it is. Girls... *rolls eyes* So anyway, I didn't have to eat in any of the restaurants in Subang Parade or Carrefour!!! Hahahaha. And I am so so happy! I tell you, six days of eating in a shopping mall is enough to kill you. And make you sick. My wonderful mom, I think most probably the best in the world (hehe), brought me home-cooked dinner! Yums! The feeling of being loved is like holding a bowl of hot soup during winter time. Ok, maybe not. But hey, if your mom cooks dinner and brings it to your workplace, just so you can have something other than over-priced food, who wouldn't feel loved and special??? Right? :D Mom decided to try something different today. She decided to do fish bee hoon (dry style) ala the Penang style we tried a few times before near the Sunway hotel in Penang. I was gobbling up my food (so

Why Do You Work There?

I work for a company that sells sports supplements to bodybuilders, gym-goers and athletes. So naturally, the stores' displays will include cut-outs of big, muscular bodybuilders or at least posters of them. One day, my aunt dropped by to say hi with my two younger cousins A and H. Nothing happened. Then, yesterday, during our family Easter gathering, A who is 11 years old this year suddenly asked me a question. A: "Jie jie, why do you like to work at E************?" I was taken aback, so I asked her why. With utter seriousness, she said, "Because they are all guys there.... Aren't you scared?" I couldn't laugh though I wanted to. Eileen cheekily butted in by saying, "Oh, they're not just any guys. They're hunky muscular guys." At which, I laughed. A laughed as well, but her eyes still had that questioning look directed at me. I said, "They're just guys. Nothing to be scared about." She nodded her head. Then sh